Singing Guide: Sex Pistols

Singing Guide: Sex Pistols

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Sex Pistols were one of the most prominent figures of the punk movement. Their unique sound, rebellious attitude, and political commentary made them one of the most influential and controversial bands in history. If you want to learn to sing like Johnny Rotten, the band's iconic frontman, there are some things to consider.

One of the most significant aspects of Johnny’s singing style is his use of a sneering, nasal tone. To replicate this sound, you will need to experiment with breath control and vocal placement. Check out Singing Carrots' videos on nasality, good singing posture, and chest voice to understand this aspect better.

Another important factor to consider in Johnny's singing style is his use of grit and distortion. To develop this technique, you can try Singing Carrots' exercises on Growling and Heavy Modal Singing. These will help you learn how to use the right vocal mechanisms to create an edgy vocal sound.

When it comes to recommended songs to practice Johnny's singing style, you can't go wrong with classics like "Anarchy in the U.K." and "God Save the Queen." These songs showcase Johnny's unique style, and practicing them will help you develop an understanding of his vocal technique.

Alongside practice and experimentation, Singing Carrots provides multiple interactive tools and courses that can help you develop your singing skills further. For instance, you can use the vocal range test and pitch accuracy test in the beginning stages of your training to determine your vocal capabilities. You can also use the Pitch Training game to work on pitch accuracy, and the vocal pitch monitor to get real-time feedback on your pitch.

To become a great punk rock singer, you need to work hard and train consistently. By using the Singing Carrots' recommended resources and advice, you can develop your voice and learn to sing like a rock and roll legend!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.